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Golden Sebright Chickens: A Fascinating Bantam Heritage Breed

Golden Sebright chickens are a captivating heritage breed, which have captured the hearts of poultry enthusiasts around the world. With their unique appearance and charming personalities, these diminutive birds are a delightful addition to any flock.

In this article, we will explore the background and history of the breed, their temperament and behavior, specific traits, health considerations, egg-laying capabilities, and where to find these prized chickens.

Key Takeaway

  • True bantam breed with no standard equivalent
  • Used for exhibition or as pets
  • Kid and beginner-friendly
  • Hen feathered (both males and females have the same feather pattern)

Background and History

The Sebright was first developed in the early 19th century by Sir John Saunders Sebright who was the 7th Baronet of Besford in Worcestershire, England. He was determined to create a bantam breed with laced feathers and a striking appearance. Through careful selection and breeding, he succeeded in developing this charming bantam breed that continues to captivate poultry enthusiasts to this day.

Sir John’s approach to creating the Sebright breed remains shrouded in mystery, with his exact methods still undisclosed. However, historical accounts suggest that he embarked on a meticulous journey across the countryside, selectively gathering peculiar and gamey birds from local poultry flocks. It is also speculated that he might have sourced birds from other countries, enriching the genetic pool of his breeding project. Some historians propose that the Nankin, Polish, and Hamburg chickens might have played a role in the breed’s formation.

The most challenging aspects of the breeding process were achieving the desired lacing and creating birds that bred true consistently. Sir John dedicated approximately 20 to 30 years of relentless work before finally unveiling the Sebright breed in 1810. 

Notably, the Sebright is classified as a true bantam due to the absence of a standard version for the breed. This lack of standardization adds to its unique and individualistic characteristics, setting it apart from other breeds.

Sebright chickens hold a special place in the hearts of poultry enthusiasts, breeders, and history enthusiasts alike. Their captivating beauty, friendly disposition, and historical significance make them a treasure worth preserving. 

Heritage Breed Status 

As a heritage breed, they serve as a living link to our agricultural past, preserving the traditions and artistry of breeding that have been passed down through generations. Their recognition by esteemed organizations, such as the American Poultry Association where the breed was officially recognized in 1874, cements their place in poultry history.

Indeed, the Golden Sebright is cherished for its historical significance and unique characteristics that have remained relatively unchanged for generations. Preserving this breed is essential for conserving our agricultural heritage and genetic diversity.

Threatened Status

The Golden Sebright chicken breed is not currently under immediate threat, thanks to the efforts of dedicated breeders and enthusiasts who have worked diligently to maintain and promote their population. They are on the Livestock Conservancy Organizations watch list as they are rare.

An interesting fact about the breed’s history is that they were once considered a status symbol among European nobility due to their rarity and beauty.

Temperament and Behavior

Golden Sebrights are renowned for their friendly and curious personalities. They are inquisitive birds that enjoy interacting with their human caretakers, making them a popular choice among families and backyard flock keepers alike.

Are Sebrights Kid-Friendly? – Due to their small size and gentle nature, Golden Sebright chickens are generally considered kid-friendly. Their amiable disposition and striking appearance make them an excellent choice for children to learn about responsible pet ownership and farming.

They make wonderful pets, especially for families and individuals looking for charming and friendly companions. They enjoy human company and are curious and inquisitive birds, often approaching their caretakers with interest. Many Golden Sebrights become quite comfortable with human presence and may even seek attention and interaction.

However, whether they enjoy being picked up and handled can vary from individual to individual. Some may be more receptive to being held and may even perch contentedly on their owner’s arm or shoulder. Others might be a bit more reserved and prefer to stay on the ground or on nearby perches.

As with any pet, it’s essential to approach handling with care and respect for the chicken’s comfort. If a Golden Sebright is used to being held, gentle and calm handling can be enjoyable for both the bird and its owner. However, it’s important to be cautious and avoid any sudden movements that could startle the chicken.

When introducing yourself to a Golden Sebright or attempting to handle it, it’s beneficial to approach slowly and speak in soothing tones. This helps them become accustomed to your presence and minimizes any stress they may experience. It’s also a good idea to spend time regularly interacting with your chickens, as this strengthens the bond between you and encourages trust.

Beginner Friendly? – For novice chicken keepers, the Golden Sebright can also be an ideal choice. Their relatively low maintenance requirements and friendly temperament make them a welcoming introduction to the world of poultry keeping.

Docile or More Active? – Golden Sebrights tend to be more active birds, frequently engaging in playful antics around the coop or yard. Their lively behavior adds an entertaining element to any flock.

Likelihood to Go Broody – The hens have a moderate tendency to go broody. This broodiness, or desire to sit on and hatch eggs, can be both endearing and practical for those interested in breeding provided you have a male Sebright in your flock.

Aggressive or Passive with Flockmates? – These chickens are generally peaceful and well-behaved with their flockmates. Their non-aggressive nature makes them excellent additions to mixed flocks. Due to their small size, they may be picked on by larger more dominant birds, so be careful to watch out for this and place them among more passive breeds when possible.

Noise Level – Golden Sebright chickens are known for their relatively quiet nature. While they may cluck softly, they are not overly vocal, making them suitable for urban or suburban settings.

Golden Sebright Chicken Breed Specifics and Traits

Golden Sebright chickens are classed as ornamental. Sebrights come in two varieties, the Golden with black lacing and the Silver with black lacing.

Distinguishing Features They have a distinctive rose comb, which is a small, compact comb that sits flat on their head. In males, the comb ends at the back of their head with a horizontal spike called a leader. This unique feature adds to their overall appeal and sets them apart from other chicken breeds.

Both males and females have mulberry or bright red faces, wattles, and ear lobes, although hen’s wattles are smaller than roosters. They have a dark horn color beak, although the silver variety can have a dark blue beak. Their legs and skin are a dark slate blue, legs are clean and they have large, round, black eyes. 

Males weigh approximately 22 ounces while females are generally closer to 20 ounces. 

On average they live between 5 and 7 years, although they could live longer when provided with exceptional care.

Hen vs. Rooster Distinguishing between male and female Golden Sebright chickens is relatively easy. Roosters are typically larger and more upright with the spiked comb, while hens have a rounder and plumper appearance. However, unlike other breeds of chicken, where the feather pattern of males and females is very different, this is not so in the Sebright.

A unique feature is that both males and females are “hen feathered” meaning males do not have pointed hackle, saddle, or tail feathers as is found in other chicken breeds.

Cold or Heat Hardy? They are hardy birds that can adapt to various climates. While they can tolerate colder temperatures, they don’t do well in cold and damp conditions although they are relatively heat-tolerant, making them suitable for different regions. Protection should be available to help keep them warm in the cold or cool in the heat. This is usually in the form of an appropriate, well insulated, hen house.

Predator Resistance Due to their small size, Golden Sebright chickens are vulnerable to predators. It is essential to provide them with a secure coop and enclosed run to protect them from potential threats. They are not strong fliers, which can be a disadvantage when it comes to predator resistance.

Health and Disease

Golden Sebrights are generally robust birds with good overall health although they can be more prone to Marek’s disease and should be vaccinated against this. 

Like any breed, they can be susceptible to specific chicken health issues and the breed does not have any unique disease resistance. They can be prone to common poultry ailments such as respiratory infections, parasites, and egg-laying issues. Regular observation and immediate attention to any health concerns can help ensure their health and longevity.


Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your Golden Sebright chickens healthy. Here are some essential preventive measures to consider:

Clean and Sanitary Environment – Ensure their coop and run are kept clean and free from accumulated droppings and debris. Regularly remove soiled bedding and replace it with fresh, to reduce the risk of bacterial growth.

Biosecurity Measures – If you have multiple flocks or interact with other chicken owners, practice biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of diseases. Quarantine new birds before introducing them to your existing flock and avoid sharing equipment between flocks.


While Golden Sebright chickens are generally healthy birds, they can be susceptible to certain health issues commonly seen in poultry:

Respiratory Infections – Respiratory infections, such as avian influenza or infectious bronchitis, can affect chickens, causing symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge. Keep them away from wild birds!

External Parasites – Common external parasites that can affect chickens include mites and lice. Regularly inspect your birds for signs of infestation, such as feather loss or irritated skin.

Internal Parasites – Worms are internal parasites that can impact a chicken’s health. Regular deworming is essential to control these parasites and maintain their well-being.

Egg-Laying Issues – Golden Sebright hens, like other breeds, may experience egg-laying issues such as egg binding or egg-related health problems. Provide a proper nesting environment and monitor their egg-laying habits for any abnormalities.


A well-balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for the health and vitality of Golden Sebright chickens. A typical diet for these birds should include:

Commercial Poultry Feed – Provide a high-quality commercial poultry feed formulated specifically for bantam chickens. Look for feeds labeled as “all-purpose” to meet their dietary needs. Avoid layer feed where possible as the calcium level may be too high.

Supplements – Offer non-soluble grit to aid in digestion, as chickens do not have teeth and need grit to break down their food. Additionally, provide crushed oyster shells or eggshells as a separate free-choice calcium source for the hens to support egg production and to help them re-grow feathers after molting.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – Supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, such as leafy greens, carrots, and berries, to add variety and additional nutrients.

Clean Water – Ensure a constant supply of clean, fresh water to keep them hydrated and aid in digestion. Dehydration can lead to various health issues, so it’s crucial to regularly check their water supply.


Golden Sebright chickens, being small in size, require appropriate housing that provides comfort and protection. Consider the following factors when setting up their coop:

Size – The coop should be spacious enough to accommodate the number of birds you plan to keep. Provide at least 2 to 3 square feet of space per chicken.

Ventilation – Good ventilation is essential to prevent the buildup of moisture and ammonia inside the coop, which can lead to respiratory issues.

Nesting Boxes – Include nesting boxes with soft bedding material for hens to lay their eggs comfortably.

Roosting Bars – Provide roosting bars for chickens to perch on at night, as they prefer to sleep off the ground.

Predator Protection – Ensure the coop is predator-proof by using sturdy wire mesh on windows and doors to prevent entry by predators like raccoons, foxes, and birds of prey.

By implementing proper feeding and housing practices and staying vigilant about their health, you can ensure that your Golden Sebright chickens thrive in a safe and healthy environment, bringing joy and beauty to your backyard for years to come.

Golden Sebright Eggs

As we have previously mentioned, the breed is not known for its egg-laying ability.

Egg-Laying Age – Golden Sebright hens typically begin laying eggs at around 6 to 7 months of age. Some individuals might start laying slightly earlier or later, depending on their maturity.

Egg Color – Their eggs are small and cream-colored, adding to their allure. While not prolific layers, the beauty of their eggs matches that of their plumage.

Egg Size – Golden Sebright eggs are small in size, reflecting the bantam nature of the breed. Despite their size, their eggs are highly prized for their unique appearance.

Number of Eggs Per Year – On average, a Golden Sebright hen can lay around 100 to 150 eggs per year. While not as productive as larger breeds, each egg is a treasure to behold.

Where to Buy Golden Sebright Chickens

If you are interested in adding Golden Sebright chickens to your flock, there are several options for acquiring them. Through reputable breeders and enthusiasts or from hatcheries.


Cackle Hatchery  

McMurray Hatchery

Hoovers Hatchery


As chicks, Golden Sebrights can range in price, but on average, you can expect to pay between $5 to $15 for each chick, depending on their lineage and breeder reputation.


Golden Sebright chickens are a captivating heritage breed with a rich history and striking appearance. Their friendly temperament, beautiful appearance, and unique traits make them a favorite among poultry enthusiasts. 

It is thanks to the passion and dedication of Sir John Saunders Sebright, who labored tirelessly to create the breed with its stunning golden feathers and intricate black lacing. 

Their small size and friendly temperament make them endearing companions, whether in a rural setting or an urban backyard.

Beyond their ornamental value, these bantam chickens can be a delightful addition to any flock, including those new to chicken keeping. Their docile nature and adaptability make them a beginner-friendly choice, while their striking appearance ensures they are cherished by experienced poultry enthusiasts as well.

As keepers of Golden Sebrights, one can revel in the joy of observing their playful antics and nurturing personalities. Whether raised for show purposes or as beloved pets, these chickens are sure to bring delight and admiration.


Q: Are Golden Sebright chickens suitable for beginners?

A: Golden Sebrights’ friendly nature and relatively low maintenance requirements make them an excellent choice for novice chicken keepers.

Q: Do Golden Sebrights go broody?

A: Some hens may go broody, expressing their motherly instincts by sitting on eggs and trying to hatch them. However, hens purchased from hatcheries are generally less likely to brood than those raised by small-scale breeders and enthusiasts.

Q: Can Golden Sebright chickens be kept in urban areas?

A: They are relatively quiet and adaptable birds, making them suitable for urban or suburban settings, provided they have a secure coop and run.

Q: How long do Golden Sebright chickens live on average?

A: With proper care, they can live an average of 5 to 7 years.

Q: Are Golden Sebright chickens good with children?

A: Their friendly and docile nature makes them kid-friendly and a joy for children to interact with.

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