Heritage Acres was started in 2016 by Nicole Gennetta. It is a simple 2-acre backyard hobby farm in Pueblo West, Colorado that Nicole runs with her husband, Patrick.
They have a quaint peach orchard, charming garden, several beehives, a variety of flocks, and their Rottweiler, Honey.
Nicole and Patrick enjoy the hard work and satisfaction that comes from running their little piece of paradise. There is never a dull moment on the farm and at the end of the day, it’s always worth it.
Nicole Gennetta

Nicole is a Colorado native and an outdoor enthusiast. A retired firefighter/paramedic, Heritage Acres Market and her family are now her main focus. When not working on the farm, she enjoys creating new content for the blog and recording new episodes of the Backyard Bounty Podcast.
Nicole is also a Colorado Master Gardener, chicken enthusiast, and Master Beekeeper. You can read more about Nicole here.
The Flocks
They have a wide variety of fowl, including chickens, red golden pheasants, Coturnix quail, German owl pigeons, and French guinea fowl, Narragansett turkeys, and a peahen.
Honey Bees
Heritage Acres has several hives on their farm. The bees are all local swarms or splits. They chose not to follow most beekeepers’ path and purchase package bees from California. Heritage Acres believes that local bees are the ideal choice because they are acclimated to the climate.
The health of the bees is Nicole’s priority. She doesn’t keep more bees than the area can support. They always use bee-friendly practices such as foundationless frames that are replaced regularly to reduce pesticide build-up. The foundationless frames allow the bees to draw combs freely.
They never use synthetic chemicals to treat the bees for mites, and they only treat them when needed. They never overharvest honey and only feed if necessary.
Currently, they have Langstroth hives, a top bar, and a Flow Hive, with plans to add Warre Hives and AZ Hives in the near future.

Heritage Acres Market LLC is Proud to Support
Scientific Beekeeping, Bee Friendly Farming
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