Looking to purchase beekeeping supplies, or maybe a specific hive style? Below is a list of equipment and woodenware suppliers throughout the US. Whether you are looking for a new hive tool or a cedar Warré hive, you’re sure to find what you need from the vendors below. Looking to purchase bees? Please see our honey bee suppliers page.
If you’d like to be added to this list or have any suggestions or corrections, please let us know!
Table of Contents
Beekeeping Supplies
- Dixie Bee Supply, LLP
- Forest Hill Bee Supply
- Beeline Woodenware
- Armstrong & Family Apiaries
- Texas Bee Supply
- Hannan Honey
- BackYardHive
Langstroth Hives
- BeeResQ
- Forest Hill Bee Supply
- Beeline Woodenware
- Armstrong & Family Apiaries
- Texas Bee Supply
- Great Lakes Honey Beekeeper’s Association
- Mountain Sweet Honey
- Imperial Bees
Warré Hives
- The Warre Store
Long Lang Hives
Top Bar Hives
AZ Hives
Garden Hives
Cathedral Hive
Vendor information
Vendors are listed in alphabetical order
Armstrong & Family Apiary– Woodenware made in house out of pine and locally sourced poplar, along with other hive supplies coming soon. We will have queens available during the summer and nucs in the spring of Carnolian descent. Visit Armstrong & Family Apiaries
BackYardHive– At BackYardHive we sell Beekeeping Supplies, Beehives, Bee Hive Plans, Protective Clothing, bee helmets and veils, gloves, hive components, Beekeeping DVDs and Books and everything needed to get started or add on to your existing backyard hives. BackYardHive is committed to information and hive technologies that encourage and enable backyard beekeepers to be successful. Visit Online and on Facebook.
Beeline Woodenware– Your supplier for all your beekeeping needs from quality beehive equipment to beekeeping books. Three independently owned and operated businesses in southwestern Michigan, south central Colorado, and southwestern Washington, with Nationwide shipping available. Visit BeelineWoodenware.com.
BeeResQ– Hive kits available in the Kansas City, MO area. Visit Beeresq.com/buy
Dixie Bee Supply, LLP– Located in Lancaster, SC. Dixie Bee Supply, LLP offers a full line of beekeeping supplies (woodenware- complete hives, frames, supers, assembled or unassembled), protective wear, beekeeping tools, bottling equipment and jars, medicines, wax, candles, candy, raw honey, jams, jellies, jewelry, soaps, lotions, etc.. Visit Shopdixiebee.com or on Facebook
Hannan Honey– Hannan Honey is a family owned bee keeping company established in 1998 located in Southbury, CT. We raise our bees from which we harvest the local raw honey we sell. Our products include honey, bee packages, nucs, bees wax and pollination services. Visit Online.
Forest Hill Bee Supply– The finest beekeeping equipment and supplies, much of it manufactured by Amish craftsmen. We also carry a full range of products for both the hobby and professional beekeeper, from bee suits to honey extractors and more. Visit our store, located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, or use our online catalog to phone in an order. Nationwide shipping available.
Great Lakes Honey Beekeeper’s Association– A local beekeeper association & club that’s an authorized supplier of beekeeping supplies, woodenware, bees and safety gear. Located in South Range, Wisconsin with nationwide shipping available. Visit Facebook, Email or call 218-221-0649.
Imperial Bees– We are a family owned apiary in North Port, FL with over 2k hives. We sell raw, local honey in all shapes and sizes (including bulk 55-gal drums). Complete hives and nucs also available for sale, as well as pollinating services. Contact via Facebook or by phone at 941-268-8960.
Mountain Sweet Honey– Located in Toccoa, GA, we ship bee packages coast to coast. We are the #1 shipper of honey bees on the east coast and in the mid-west. We offer Italian, Carniolan, and Russian bee packages & nuc’s. Also shipping Langstroth hives. Visit us Online or on Facebook.
Steve 4 Bees– Build to order artisan AZ, LongLang, Top Bar and Garden Hives. Built near San Antonio, Tx, nationwide shipping available. Visit steve4bees.us or on Facebook.
Texas Bee Supply– Texas Bee Supply in Blue Ridge, TX sells nucs, hives and new and used equipment and as well as Italian/Carniolan queens. Painted, stained, assembled and unassembled woodenware is available as well as a full line of beekeeping supplies including our new Super Suit with a zippered veil and full length leg zippers. You may visit us at Visit TexasBeeSupply.com.