Here are our top picks for egg production
The Austra White breed is a hybrid between a Black Australorp rooster and a White Leghorn hen. This crossbreed is known for producing a lot of large, off-white eggs, making them great for backyard and free range flocks.
The Ameraucana chicken is a large fowl that lays medium-sized eggs with pastel light blue shells. They are often the most successful breed in poultry shows.
Black Australorp chickens are great for both egg and meat production. They have shiny black feathers and are known for being excellent winter layers. However, these chickens require shaded areas to prevent overheating during the summer months.
Black Australorp chickens are great for both egg and meat production. They have shiny black feathers and are known for being excellent winter layers. However, these chickens require shaded areas to prevent overheating during the summer months.
The Black Sex Link is a hybrid chicken breed produced by crossbreeding a Rhode Island Red rooster with a Barred Rock hen. They are color-sexable, hardy, produce large brown eggs, suitable for meat, make great pets, and are well suited for free ranging or backyards.